Land O' Lakes Baseball League

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2017

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Note: A minimum of 25 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Matt Schubert
1. Matt Schubert .485
2. Adam Sarauer .458
3. Taylor Koth .403
4. Andres Oselio .367
5. Adam Rohlinger .348
On-Base Percentage OBP
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Adam Sarauer
1. Adam Sarauer .548
2. Matt Schubert .520
3. Andres Oselio .513
4. Adam Rohlinger .506
5. Billy Bynum .467
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Matt Schubert
1. Matt Schubert 1.202
2. Adam Sarauer 1.048
3. Andres Oselio 1.013
4. Adam Rohlinger .930
5. Taylor Koth .909
Slugging Percentage SLG
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Matt Schubert
1. Matt Schubert .682
2. Andres Oselio .500
3. Adam Sarauer .500
4. Taylor Koth .481
5. Matt Parrent .440
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
Medium 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Joey Behm
1. Joey Behm 1
2. Adam Sarauer 0
3. Jed Justman 0
4. Matt Parrent 0
5. Matt Schubert 0
Note: A minimum of 10 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average ERA
Original 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Matt Parrent
1. Matt Parrent 2.27
2. Matt Schubert 2.79
3. Tyler Adams 3.35
4. Alex Prickett 4.50
5. Justin Celeski 5.11
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Original 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Tyler Adams
1. Tyler Adams 1.23
2. Matt Schubert 1.45
3. Matt Parrent 1.49
4. Justin Celeski 1.78
5. Alex Prickett 1.83
Innings Pitched IP
Original 18199525 1648235425205339 7670652186088214887 n
Tyler Adams
1. Tyler Adams 43.0
2. Matt Parrent 35.2
3. Matt Schubert 29.0
4. Alex Prickett 18.0
5. Justin Celeski 12.1